Dental Exams in Clermont, FL

Regular visits with your family dentist are a proactive approach to maintaining good oral health and identifying any problems early. Without routine visits to the dentist, untreated conditions will likely become painful and more difficult and expensive to treat down the road. At Clermont Lakes Dental Care in Clermont, Florida, we want to work with you to prevent dental problems and maintain oral health. 

Overview of Dental Checkups  

As a preventive dental service, a dental checkup is a close inspection of your mouth and teeth to identify any oral health issues like gum disease, cavities, and oral cancer. The exams also help educate people on the best ways to care for their teeth and gums. Twice-yearly appointments work well for most people. However, people with gum disease, dry mouth, a family history of cavities, or a weakened immune system may need to be seen more often unless advised otherwise.  

There are several benefits of regular dental checkups:   

  • Stay on top of your oral health: Regular visits to the dentist for a checkup is the best way to prevent and detect oral health issues early when it’s easier to treat. This is especially important since nearly all oral diseases cause no pain until they are quite advanced.   
  • Prevent oral health issues: When you go in for your regular dental checkup, your dentist will check for any oral damage caused by bad habits, such as smoking or vaping, teeth grinding (bruxism), brushing your teeth too hard, and your diet. Your dentist can then educate you on ways to take better care of your oral health and prevent problems like cavities and gum disease.   
  • Save money: A regular dental examination can help you find and fix problems before they require more expensive and complicated dental work in the future. 

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dental exam Clermont Lakes Dental Care in Clermont, FL

How Long Does an Oral Exam Take?  

An oral exam generally takes around 45-60 minutes. However, it might be longer or shorter depending on your oral care. Typically, a basic dental exam costs $50-$200, although you could have to pay more if you need X-rays. However, this cost is usually covered by dental insurance, so you may not have to pay anything out of pocket.

What Happens at Routine Dental Exams?  

Here’s what you can expect when you come in for a dental exam at Clermont Lakes Dental Care:   

  • Evaluate teeth, gums, and joints: Dr. Wakim will review your medical and dental history and see if any changes need to be updated. He will then perform a visual evaluation of your mouth, checking your teeth and gums for cavities, gum disease, gum recession, staining, and the integrity of any restorations like fillings and crowns. We will also check your joints to assess your bite (the way the top and bottom teeth fit together) since an irregular bite can lead to excessive wear on the teeth and other dental problems.   
  • Oral cancer screening: Dr. Wakim will also perform an oral cancer screening by feeling the lymph nodes on the face and neck and checking the entire oral cavity, including the hard and soft palates, tongue, cheeks, lips, and floor of the mouth for irregularities.   
  • Dental X-rays: We use dental X-rays as a diagnostic tool to identify issues that cannot be detected during a visual exam, such as an impacted tooth, decay beneath fillings, or bone loss in the jaw due to periodontal disease. Dr. Wakim will consider your oral exam, dental history, and risk of developing cavities to decide how often you need X-rays.  
  • Diagnosis and treatment planning if necessary: If we find any issue during your exam, Dr. Wakim will provide you with a diagnosis and recommend the best treatment options. This may include restorative work like fillings or orthodontics to correct bite.

Schedule Your Dental Checkup Today!  

Dental checkups help ensure your teeth and gums are healthy year after year. At Clermont Lakes Dental Care, we provide comprehensive dental checkups in Clermont, FL. We will evaluate the health of your mouth and look for any signs of cavities, gum disease, infection, oral cancer, and other dental health problems. Contact us today to schedule an appointment